Showing posts with label Mustard paste. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mustard paste. Show all posts

Friday 17 May 2024

Kasundi - Traditional method…

 Kasundi is quintessentially a part of the Bengali cuisine. It’s used in cooking and used as an accompaniment with fried food as dip, salad and starters. Kasundi has a sharp pungent taste.

 Traditionally Kasundi is made with lots of rituals and many restrictions are followed. Earlier only the Bramhins could only make the Kasundi. Made in the month of April ( End April and starting of May,  as the mustard seeds have been harvested and dried in the Sun. Kasundi should be made before the monsoon begins. The mustard seeds and other spices are washed, dried in the Sun and ground into fine powder. Black mustard is used. The water is boiled and reduced into 3/4 quantity. The mustard powder is added into the mud pot along with salt and Turmeric powder. Gradually warm water added and stired well. The Kasundi is made into thin consistency. The Kasundi is stirred very well. Some people add raw mango pieces into the Kasundi. 

In villages people enjoy Kasundi with puffed rice / muri makha, different types of vegetables makha or add the Kasundi in the green vegetables like paat saag / jute leaves. 

Now it is made at home with ease. Apart from traditional Kasundi there are now many ways and ingredients vary while  making the Kasundi. 

Here is a humble try of making the traditional Kasundi at home. It stay for a long time out, but I prefer keeping the Kasundi in the fridge. 

Here I have used Black and Yellow mustard. I have added few Garlic cloves, it’s optional. I have added vinegar so that it stays well for a longer period of time.

Ground Spices for Kasundi 


1 tbsp Cumin seeds 

2 tbsp Coriander seeds 

6 to 8 Pepper corns 

4 Bay leaves 

6 to 7 Dried Chillies 

4 Cloves

3 Green Cardamom 

1 small piece of Cinnamon 


Dry roast all the above ingredients until an aroma releases. Switch off the flame and keep the spices aside until it cools down. 



1 medium size Raw Mango washed, peeled and ground into paste. 

4 Green Chillies (optional)

1 medium piece of Ginger

4 Garlic cloves (optional)

1/2 cup Yellow Mustard seeds 

1 cup Black Mustard seeds

Salt to taste 

2 tsp Turmeric powder 

Ground spices 

1 1/2 liter or more Boiled warm water ( Water has to boil and reduced to 3/4) 

2 tbsp Vinegar (optional)


Wash the black and yellow mustard seeds. Dry the mustard seeds in the sun until it’s completely dried up. 

Take a grinding jar, add the mustard seeds, Grind the mustard seeds into fine powder. Also make a paste of the green chillies, ginger and garlic together. Add the ground spice powder into the mustard powder. Sieve the ingredients together, so that we get a very fine powder of the ingredients ground. Take a mud pot, add the mustard and spice powder into the pot. Add salt and turmeric powder. Mix all the ingredients together. Add the ginger - chilli - garlic paste and mango paste. Now add the warm water gradually into the pot and keep on stirring, so that no lumps should form. Keep stirring, check on salt. Add salt if required. Keep stirring and keep adding warm water until the sauce has a thin consistency. Keep stirring for 10 to 15 minutes as all the ingredients blends together and all the flavours releases. Add the vinegar. Gradually the Kasundi will become a bit thicker later. Cover and leave the Kasundi aside in the mud pot. Next day transfer the Kasundi into the dry clean bottles and keep it in a dry place. Later keep it in the fridge.

Tuesday 4 October 2016

Shorshe Mangsho Bhaapa

This a very popular dish of Bengal usually made with different types of fishes. Here I have made it with mutton and cooked it in a bit different way. First the mutton has to be marinated well for 4 to 5 hours and then it has to be half cooked in a pressure cooker and again cooked with mustard paste, mustard oil, salt, turmeric powder and green chillies till it is tender. It taste delicious with hot steamed rice. 

To Marinate the Mutton 
1 kg Mutton pieces 
1 cup Curd 
1 Onion paste 
1 tbsp Garlic paste 
1/2 tbsp Ginger paste
1 tbsp Chilli paste 
Salt to taste 

Marinate all the above ingredients and keep it aside for 4 to 5 hours. 

To make the Shorshe Mangshor Bhappa 
Marinated Mutton 
5 to 6 Green chillies slit 
Salt to taste 
1 tsp Turmeric powder 
1/2 cup Mustard paste (3 to 4 tbsp Mustard seeds ground with little water)
1/4 cup Mustard oil 

Press cook the mutton without adding any water. Give 2 whistles. After the pressure releases. Remove the cover. Add the mustard paste, salt, turmeric powder, mustard oil and green chillies. Stir it.  Give another 3 to 4 whistles or until the mutton has become tender. Let the pressure release, remove the cover. Let it stand for 10 minutes before serving it hot with rice. 

P. S. While buying the mutton, please remember to buy tender mutton.. After the mutton is cooked and eaten with rice, the mutton should be soft enough to melt in your mouth.
Before grinding the mustard seeds, soak the seeds in water for 30 minutes and then grind them. Strain the paste before using it.

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Chingri Macher Paturi ......

Macher Paturi is a very popular dish of Bengal. It can be made with fish like Hilsa, Bhetki or Prawns. It is cooked in a banana leaf or incase the banana leaf is available then pumpkin leaf or bottle gourd leaf. The main ingredients for the paturi are fish and mustard paste which is wrapped into a parcel made with banana leaf and then steamed. 
Here is my version of making the paturi. 

To Marinate the Prawns
270 grams medium sized cleaned Prawns 
1/4 tsp Turmeric powder
Salt to taste

Marinate the prawns with salt and turmeric powder and keep it aside for 15 minutes.

For the Paste
1 1/2 tbsp Mustard seeds
3 tbsp shredded fresh Coconut or Desiccated Coconut
5 small Green Chillies
1 Garlic clove
1/2 tsp Turmeric powder
3 tbsp Curd
Salt to taste
1/2 tsp Sugar
1 to 2 tbsp Water 

Soak the mustard seeds in water. Drain the water out.  Blend the mustard seeds and all above ingredients in a blender into a fine paste.

To make the Paturi
Marinated Prawns
5 Green chillies slited lengthwise
5 Red Chillies  (Optional) 
3 tbsp Mustard oil
Banana Leaves

Take the wet paste in a bowl. Add the mustard oil. Mix it. Add the marinated prawns. Mix it with the paste. Let it rest for 15 minutes. Cut the banana leaves into rectangular pieces. To make it more pliable, slightly warm up the banana leaves over low flame for few seconds.  Apply mustard oil on the lighter side of each leaf. Place 6 prawns along with the mustard paste in the center of the leaf. Place one green and red chilli on top of it and fold the sides of the banana leaf by overlapping each other to make a parcel. Tie a thread around the parcel to secure it. Steam the parcels in a steamer for 10 minutes. Cut the thread to open the parcel before serving it. Seve it with hot steaming rice.

Tuesday 26 July 2016

Tilapia Mach Shorshe Bata Diye Jhal.. / Telapia Fish cooked in Mustard Gravy......

Tilapia Mach Shorshe Bata Diye Jhal.. / Telapia Fish cooked in Mustard Gravy...... 

I have a small pond next to my house, where the villagers come and fish sometimes. It's a bliss to have that pond as so many small birds comes and catches their feed. You can see the fishes playing in water. I can just spend some hours sitting in the balcony, just seeing the movements of the water. The sound of the birds that come to fish takes you to a different world, way from the urban life. Life away from the city is indeed a bliss. Some times the villagers sell their catch for the day. Fresh catch taste so different from the market fish, the fish just melts in your mouth, the taste is simply divine. The other day my husband got some tilapias from the villagers. I was thrilled as I love cleaning them. As he got the fish home, the high command order too followed... "Today please make Shorshe Bata Mach".... I said ok, but will keep some fish back for the fish roast.. We both agreed upon and here is the recipe for Sorshe Bata... 

Here I have used Sunrise Mustard for the paste. This is a rich gravy and hence any dish with mustard paste is called Jhal. You can make it just with mustard paste, but  I have added ginger, garlic, coconut, chillies and curd to enhance the taste.. Little poppy seeds too can be added. It can be had with hot steaming rice. 

For the Mustard Paste..
3 tbsp Sunrise Mustard powder
1 big Garlic clove
1 small piece of Ginger 
4 to 5 Green Chillies as required 
3 tbsp Curd
2 tbsp fresh Coconut grated or Desiccated Coconut
Salt to taste 

Add all the above ingredients in the grinder and blend it well. Keep it aside for 15 minutes. 

For the Macher Jhal.. 
2 Telapia Fish cleaned and cut into 2 pieces or can be kept whole
2 to 3 Green Chillies slit lengthwise 
Few Coriander leaves chopped 
Mustard paste 
1 Tomato cut into 4 pieces lengthwise 
1/4 tsp Kalonji /Nigella seeds 
1/2 tsp Turmeric paste
Salt to taste 
1/4 cup Mustard oil for fry the fish 
1/2 tsp Raw Mustard oil for garnishing 

Take the fish and apply 1/4 tsp Turmeric powder and salt. Keep it aside for 10 minutes. Take oil in a wok, heat it up till smoking point. Reduce the heat, add the fish and fry till brown on both the sides. Remove the excess oil and leave 3 tbsp oil back in the wok, add kalonji and green chillies in the oil, let it crackle. Add the tomato and sauté it for a minute. Add the mustard paste and the remaining turmeric powder, stir it and cook it for 2 minutes on medium flame. Add 1 cup of water. Stir and let it simmer for 15 minutes. Add the fish and cook for 2 minutes. Garnish with coriander leaves and mustard oil. Serve it with hot steaming Rice...